Monday, February 20, 2012

We got twins!!

“Oh my God, your son looks just like you!” is a phrase I’ve gotten use to listening to. Most families go through that, kids have the blessing to get ones good looks or the tragedy to have your spouse’s looks… that will get me in trouble :p. But seriously, there are times when my son really looks like me when I was his age whether it’s physically or an expression. The famous phrase “like father, like son” describes the situation.

The same phrase applies to our relationship with God. His word says that He created us in His image but sin, which is everything that goes against what God is, separated us… something like trying to mix water and oil; you just can’t. Then Jesus came to die for our sins, to pay for our debt, which was death; an eternity without being able to have a relationship with our maker. So he died for us, made us clean, debt free. God’s word says that those who accept that sacrifice by believing in Him and that His death and resurrection was for them, even though we were not there to witness it first hand, we will become God’s children. Don’t worry I won’t lecture anyone or condemn anyone’s eternity, I just have to explain it so I can make my point ;)

With that said, we could agree that God does not want us to follow a bunch of rules. I used to think that God just had for me a list of do’s and don’ts. Boy was I wrong; let’s just say life can be a lot easier and less frustrating when you follow directions. Just think about assembling furniture… READ THAT MANUAL BEFORE YOU BEGIN!! All He is trying to do is help us be more like Him. Not to control us but to help us.
God imprinted himself in us; he imprinted his essence, his character and nature. I’m not talking about us becoming Gods, what I’m saying is that our life needs to reflect His humility, gentleness, patience, acceptance, love, unity, peace, hope, faith, truth, forgiveness, honesty, purity, grace, kindness and compassion. Ephesians 4: 2 – 3, 17 – 32. We are to replicate them in every aspect in life, at home, at work, with your parents, your in-laws, siblings, friends and foes. 

I’m not saying it’s easy, I’m not judging anyone that doesn’t do it all the time or at all, God knows I’ve flunked all of those. All I’m saying is let’s strive for more, I know God wants us to be more like Jesus and He is aware of our humanity and our limitations but we do have His help and the capacity to choose. One day at a time, step by step we’ll be able to look more like dad! 

If you don’t know if you can call God “dad”, all you got to do is tell Him the following “God, I’ve sinned, I need you. I believe your death paid my debt and your resurrection gave me the opportunity to be your son/daughter and spend eternity with you. I accept you as my father, as my savior and lord. Thank you!”

Let our goal be for our lives to make the “invisible” God, visible in this world.

Till next time everyone…

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What are you doing?!?!

This week I had the opportunity to go with my son to NASA in Houston. It was a very cool experience, besides not sleeping much… the floor is not my best friend. I’ve gotten use to my comfortable bed and my quiet room. At least quite for me, I bet my wife has a different experience thanks to my snoring.

I knew becoming an astronaut was challenging but didn’t have a clue there was so much preparation. I mean, come on those guys need a bunch of masters and PhDs on a lot of different fields and then apply to see IF they can become one, plus all the preparation behind the scenes to send these brave men and women to do something they would be willing to give their lives for.

That’s what caught my attention, the passion, the desire to accomplish, to know more, to get more, for our future generations to have access to more accurate information, to fulfill their dreams, to be in space, to see, experience and feel what not many people even in their own field will ever experience. What a rush!!! I can picture that day when a crazy dude (sorry didn’t have time to Google details… geez sue me!!! Lol) thought “hmm I want to get out of this planet and see what’s out there”. I’m sure his idea and believe was not very popular, but his challenge was greater than just having people like the idea or at least believe that it was possible to accomplish. I think that once NASA was established and they lost their first group of astronauts tragically, they could have said that’s it, enough we are not going to keep trying to do this and keep risking these people’s lives. Surprisingly not only they continue going to space, even thou more lives have been lost trying, but more people continue becoming astronauts and risk their lives for one reason and one reason only, they believe their effort and research will make a difference.

It got me thinking, what am I that passionate about? Passionate enough that will make me lose any fear of failure, any fear of risking it all? I had to do some searching and I found some answers. One of them, in 1 Peter 4:8-10. We all have God given talents and gifts; they were given for others to benefit from them and to be used with intense love for each other. God’s kingdom is something to be passionate about. After all, the planets, the stars, the solar system and galaxies were made by Him and everything will come to an end one day but His Kingdom will always be.
God has put something in my heart and I need all of those who believe in prayer to please pray for me and my family to be guided by Him and give us the passion and fearless attitude to fulfill this God-given dream we have.

Maybe you don’t know what your “gift” or passion is but one thing you can be certain of, that your life is a gift from the loving God. Let me ask you… What are you doing with the life that was given to you? God’s word says that each of us will give account of ourselves to God. What would you tell him when He asks you, what have you done with what I’ve given you? I want to challenge you to invest your life on something that is everlasting; I promise you there will be no regrets.

‘Till next week… Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Inside Out

I was very pleased last week sharing with all of you my journey and just looking at the stats on my blog, it had quite a good amount of viewers and from some parts of the world I was not expecting, I guess God reaches as he pleases. 
I’m amazed with human nature, you probably have heard the saying “tragedies bring out the best or worst in people”. Something horrible happens in the world and you have a good amount of people giving it all they can to help all these people in great need. I mean we have 9/11, earthquakes, tsunamis; you name it and there will be people willing to give even their lives to help. Of course you also see the ones that actually take advantage of other people’s misery by stealing food or property, even willing to take someone else’s life to obtain whatever it’s needed to “survive”. But when I see people helping out I usually get teary eyes and wish I was there helping but for whatever reason, usually work and other responsibilities I am not there. I bet I’m not the only one that feels that way…

We’ll this week I was studying the same chapter we were discussing last week, Genesis 24:42-46 and Eliezer was looking for a wife for Isaac, Abraham’s son. He asked God to give him success that day and find a woman for Isaac with the characteristics he requested below.

42 "Today when I came to the spring, I prayed: Lord, God of my master Abraham, if only You will make my journey successful! 43 I am standing here at a spring. Let the virgin who comes out to draw water, and I say to her: Please let me drink a little water from your jug, 44 and who responds to me, 'Drink, and I'll draw water for your camels also'-let her be the woman the Lord has appointed for my master's son.45 "Before I had finished praying silently, there was Rebekah coming with her jug on her shoulder and she went down to the spring and drew water. So I said to her: Please let me have a drink. 46 She quickly lowered her jug from her [shoulder] and said, 'Drink, and I'll water your camels also.' So I drank, and she also watered the camels.

Not only she had served him but she also served his camels, which by the way she drew A LOT of water to give to all his camels.  And if you read the chapter you’ll notice that she also offered him a place to sleep and food. This is where I’m going with this. Eliezer was not in a disaster or tragedy. He just had a mission, a task; and all he did was ask for water and he got that plus water for all his camels, a place to sleep and food from a complete stranger.

I’m grateful for all those people that help during disasters but we do not need something out of the ordinary to happen to show our true colors. Every day we have the opportunity to show kindness to one another, maybe sometimes a complete stranger. Most people want to show kindness or be selfless when there is chaos but true kindness is shown in a daily basis as well. What better example than Jesus‘s life. The bible says that God is love and if God lives in us than Love is in us. We can all do something in our daily life for someone else. There is no excuse on that one. Who knows one day that stranger that needs a hand might be you or someone you love.  Let’s keep growing and glowing from the inside out!
Just wanted to share this song with everyone, click here and enjoy!