Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The DNA of a Giant

Peter Parker, The famous little guy with glasses, lacking muscles in his body, shy, probably with low self steam, and not many friends. The same guy that later on experiences a spider bite and his DNA gets mixed up with the spider’s DNA and BOOM! He doesn’t need his glasses anymore, gets all muscular, his self steam gets a boost, everyone likes him. He stops being just another person on earth and he becomes a superhero. He is the famous Spider-man.

God’s DNA, the giant, also has “super powers”. And just as Peter Parker, we too need His DNA. We need to connect our lives with the DNA of the GIANT and become a “new species”.

3 ways we connect with His DNA.

I.                    I. Origin connection. John 1:12 When you are a son, you don’t only have characteristics of the Giant, now you also have rights, promises and heritage. We get to not only know but understand that we obtain hope, salvation, help, strength, love, acceptance, purpose, protection and much more! The giant stops being just a superhero, now that hero is your dad! Have you noticed how animals get when their little ones are in danger? Imagine how much more protected we are with God.

II.                  II.  Freedom connection. Matthew 11:28-30 He asks for the poor, lost, those that hit rock bottom, that do incorrect things, that are humiliated by their mistakes and bad choices, that are going through problems, stress, insecurities, those that think they are better than others, judgmental, impatient, selfish, that are guided by their emotions, those that want to do things on their own strength; to come to Him and He will give them rest. How will he do that? By given us his yoke = work and restriction. His yoke is still easier than the yoke and consequences of doing the wrong things. His restrictions are reasonable and simple. It is easier to live in obedience and at peace than killing and going to jail or lying and not being at peace because you are concerned if you’ll get caught. He tells us about him being humble not only as a characteristic but for us to know that we can trust him, he is looking out for our best interest. “I can do anything I want but not everything is good for me”.

III.               III.  Unity connection. Acts 2:44-47 Taking care and being taken care of by other Giants. In honest and generous relationships. United with the same purpose. When there is genuine love within His children, family, church; it doesn’t only motivate and stimulates the ones that are part of it, but it also brings growth and belonging to those that will join in the future.

When we understand our new DNA with our origin (who we are), Freedom (where we are going), and unity (who we are going with). We become giants that God has placed on this world, which needs to know the real giant. Our lives will guide other lives to Christ, the only way to the Father, to complete and happy lives.

Are you connected to His DNA?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Little feet, GIGANTIC steps

Life always brings a giant that intimidate us or that disturbs us. Normally they come as problems or frustrations, like unemployment, marital problems, sickness or even death. It is then when our eyes are turned to the real GIANT.

We are incapable of going through these problems on our own; they are too big at times. We don’t have the strength and mostly feel overwhelmed.  Even if those circumstances wouldn’t exist. Life itself is too complex for us to manage it on our own. But it is not difficult when the true giant is with us.

God’s word says that our lives are like a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.  (James 4:14) We are so tiny compared to the GIANT’S eternity and strength. We need Him.

I have learned that I need 2 things to start walking by the GIANT’S hand.
First and most important, love God with all we are. With all your will, determination, motivation, understanding and everything you own. And love everyone (friends, enemies and everything in between) as you love yourself. Meaning that we need to do everything in our power to help and support others in whatever circumstances they may be. (Matthew 22:37-40)

Second, follow God and guide others to follow Him. A follower guiding other followers! Do life holding the true GIANT’S hand and guide others to do the same. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Doing these two things the GIANT promises that he will be with us till the end.

Where do you see yourself in a couple of years from now? Running away for the giants? Just existing and surviving life till you die? Or do you see yourself holding the GIANT’S hand and conquering whatever comes your way?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Your bride is beautiful from her neck up!

How uncomfortable and horrible it would be if someone would tell you that about the person you are marrying… “Congrats!! But the person you are marrying is gorgeous from his/her neck up” We would probably feel like that person is disrespecting us. If we would feel bad about it, imagine how Jesus feels when we talk about His bride like that, the church. Can you imagine how he feels? I have heard people including myself talk bad about the church at times. God’s word says that the church is His bride, which he paid with death for the church. And as imperfect as it may be it deserves our respect and love. Why? Some may ask, simply because Jesus died for it. I’m not talking about the walls, buildings, a social group or organization; I’m talking about the organism the church is. Is it imperfect? Yes. Does it make mistakes? Yes. Does it have people I don’t get along with? Yes. Remember that nobody is perfect. The church is made out of people just like you and I. Imperfect people that make mistakes, and sometimes don’t get along.  There is a huge difference between constructive criticism which supports and it is part of the solution and destructive criticism which it just talks, talks, talks and does nothing.

With that said I don’t only want to motivate you to give the church another chance but to look for one that is as imperfect as you and I, but a healthy one as well. If God gives it so many opportunities, who are we not to do the same. And with time, sacrifice and love we may learn to apply what Ephesians 4:1-6 says:

1 Therefore I, the prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, accepting[a] one another in love, 3 diligently keeping the unity of the Spirit with the peace that binds us. 4 There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope[b] at your calling— 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.

This love for one another shows the world that God is real. We need each other like charcoal, it needs to be close to another to be on and stay on and cook a delicious BBQ together. But if you are away and alone chances are you won’t stay on for very long.

On another note, I want to apologize for not writing in my blog the past month. On my last blog I had a prayer request for all of you, I needed guidance for my family and I. Thank you for all your prayers, and for those that didn’t pray for me, don’t worry I have forgotten to pray for prayer requests at times too. With patience I accept you lol. Well, I have been busy seeking for that guidance and I finally got the green light to start what God put in my heart. On Friday 13th (not superstitious) we will begin a group in Spanish in my house so that together we can learn to apply God's word in our lives, and to guide others to be followers of Christ. I ask for your prayers so that we can continue to magnify God daily.

Till next time!