Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What are you doing?!?!

This week I had the opportunity to go with my son to NASA in Houston. It was a very cool experience, besides not sleeping much… the floor is not my best friend. I’ve gotten use to my comfortable bed and my quiet room. At least quite for me, I bet my wife has a different experience thanks to my snoring.

I knew becoming an astronaut was challenging but didn’t have a clue there was so much preparation. I mean, come on those guys need a bunch of masters and PhDs on a lot of different fields and then apply to see IF they can become one, plus all the preparation behind the scenes to send these brave men and women to do something they would be willing to give their lives for.

That’s what caught my attention, the passion, the desire to accomplish, to know more, to get more, for our future generations to have access to more accurate information, to fulfill their dreams, to be in space, to see, experience and feel what not many people even in their own field will ever experience. What a rush!!! I can picture that day when a crazy dude (sorry didn’t have time to Google details… geez sue me!!! Lol) thought “hmm I want to get out of this planet and see what’s out there”. I’m sure his idea and believe was not very popular, but his challenge was greater than just having people like the idea or at least believe that it was possible to accomplish. I think that once NASA was established and they lost their first group of astronauts tragically, they could have said that’s it, enough we are not going to keep trying to do this and keep risking these people’s lives. Surprisingly not only they continue going to space, even thou more lives have been lost trying, but more people continue becoming astronauts and risk their lives for one reason and one reason only, they believe their effort and research will make a difference.

It got me thinking, what am I that passionate about? Passionate enough that will make me lose any fear of failure, any fear of risking it all? I had to do some searching and I found some answers. One of them, in 1 Peter 4:8-10. We all have God given talents and gifts; they were given for others to benefit from them and to be used with intense love for each other. God’s kingdom is something to be passionate about. After all, the planets, the stars, the solar system and galaxies were made by Him and everything will come to an end one day but His Kingdom will always be.
God has put something in my heart and I need all of those who believe in prayer to please pray for me and my family to be guided by Him and give us the passion and fearless attitude to fulfill this God-given dream we have.

Maybe you don’t know what your “gift” or passion is but one thing you can be certain of, that your life is a gift from the loving God. Let me ask you… What are you doing with the life that was given to you? God’s word says that each of us will give account of ourselves to God. What would you tell him when He asks you, what have you done with what I’ve given you? I want to challenge you to invest your life on something that is everlasting; I promise you there will be no regrets.

‘Till next week… Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!

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